
Industrial Networks 

What is Industrial Networking?

Transferring data at a large scale requires a complex, reliable network. Networks, however, vary based on the volume of data being transferred.

While traditional networks are limited to a small number of systems, industrial networks are designed to cater to real-time requirements and the demands of many systems at once.

Our Industrial Networking Solution

At Shamrock, we pride ourselves on providing the most efficient industrial network solutions. Specialising in Standard Ethernet and IP, we work closely with our clients to help them future-proof their industrial networks through pure data-driven solutions.

Building a solid network infrastructure requires a high level of collaboration as well as a solid network architecture. We help our clients develop an efficient system to ensure all data is sent to the right place, at the right time, and in the right context.


Types of Industrial Networks Protocols

At Shamrock, we specialise in a wide range of industrial network protocols including:

  • Ethernet/IP
  • Profibus-DP/PA
  • Modbus-TCP/IP
  • Modbus RS232/485
  • ASI